Germán Riaño and Julio Goez. jMarkov: An Object Oriented Framework for Modeling and Analyzing Markov Chains and QBDs, in Proceedings of the SMCtools'06, October 2006. Pisa, Italy.
Juan F. Pérez and Germán Riaño. jPhase: an object- ariented tool for modeling Phase-Type distributions, in Proceadings of the SMCtools'06, October 2006. Pisa, Italy.
Diego Bello and Germán Riaño. Linear Programming Solvers for Markov Decision Processes, in Proceedinos of the 2006 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, 2006.
Julio Goez and German Riaño. Markov, librería para le solución de cadenas de Markov de Gran escala, in Procesdings of the XII Latin-Ibero-American Congress on Operations Research, 2006. Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Conference Talks
Julio Góez and Germán Riaño. Módulo de Marcov para la solucion de procesos de cuasi nacimiento y muerte. XI Latin American Summer Workshop on Operations Research, 2005. Villa de Layva, Colombia.
Andres Sarmiento and Germán Riaño. JMDP: An Object Oriented Framework for Modeling MDPs. Informa Annual Meeeting, San Francisco, 2005