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The jMarkov Project

jMarkov is an Object-Oriented tool used for modeling and solving large-scale Markov Chains.


jMarkov has the following modules:

  • Core Module: Permits modeling large-scale Markov Chains.
  • jQBD: Modeling of QBDs.
  • jPhase: Modeling of Phase type distributions.
  • jMDP: Modeling of MarkovDecision Processes.

This download includes all modules, documentation, and examples:

The recommended method to download jMarkov is to use subversion. The following command may be used to obtain jMarkov java source using subversion:

svn co jMarkov

Publications related to the Project
Conference proceedings
  • Germán Riaño and Julio Goez. jMarkov: An Object Oriented Framework for Modeling and Analyzing Markov Chains and QBDs, in Proceedings of the SMCtools'06, October 2006. Pisa, Italy.
  • Juan F. Pérez and Germán Riaño. jPhase: an object- ariented tool for modeling Phase-Type distributions, in Proceadings of the SMCtools'06, October 2006. Pisa, Italy.
  • Diego Bello and Germán Riaño. Linear Programming Solvers for Markov Decision Processes, in Proceedinos of the 2006 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium, 2006.
  • Julio Goez and German Riaño. Markov, librería para le solución de cadenas de Markov de Gran escala, in Procesdings of the XII Latin-Ibero-American Congress on Operations Research, 2006. Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba.
Conference Talks
  • Julio Góez and Germán Riaño. Módulo de Marcov para la solucion de procesos de cuasi nacimiento y muerte. XI Latin American Summer Workshop on Operations Research, 2005. Villa de Layva, Colombia.
  • Andres Sarmiento and Germán Riaño. JMDP: An Object Oriented Framework for Modeling MDPs. Informa Annual Meeeting, San Francisco, 2005