COPA at the 2024 INFORMS/ALIO/ASOCIO International Conference in Medellín, Colombia

COPA participated in the 2024 INFORMS/ALIO/ASOCIO International Conference, held from June 16th to 19th in Medellín, Colombia. This leading international event brings together top academics and practitioners in Operations Research and analytics from around the world to share cutting-edge research and developments.

The following (current and past) COPA members presented at the conference, listed in alphabetical order along with the titles of their presentations:

  • Alfaima L. Solano-Blanco: "Sustainable crop planning for mixed cropping systems – An optimization approach"
  • Andrés Gómez: "Robust support vector machines via conic optimization"
  • Andrés L. Medaglia (Plenary): "A (Not So) Shortest Path: Models, Solutions, and Applications"
  • Daniel Yamín: "Branch-Price-and-Cut for Infrastructure Maintenance Planning"
  • Juan G. Villegas: "A Bilevel Vehicle Routing Problem for a Colombian Package Delivery Company"
  • Julio Goez: "Assessing the Effect of Consolidation of Freight Transport: A Case Study in Norway"
  • Luis Zuluaga: "Constraint Penalization for Non-convex Optimization Problems: Applications to Quantum Computing"
  • Natalia Pacheco-Carvajal: "Automatic Classification of Academic Articles via Machine Learning"

You can find some pictures with their corresponding description below:

  1. Top Left: Natalia Pacheco-Carvajal
  2. Top Right: Michel Gendreau and Andrés L. Medaglia
  3. Bottom Left: Andrés L. Medaglia and Juan G. Villegas
  4. Bottom Center: Daniel Yamín
  5. Bottom Right: Alfaima L. Solano-Blanco

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Addrs. Cra. 1 E No. 19A - 40. Mario Laserna Building - School of Engineering, Bogotá, Colombia, Zip-Code 111711


Universidad de los Andes | Vigilada Mineducación
Reconocimiento como Universidad: Decreto 1297 del 30 de mayo de 1964.
Reconocimiento personería jurídica: Resolución 28 del 23 de febrero de 1949 Minjusticia.

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